Zen and the art of painting

    When talking about organizing your artist portfolio website, I have mentioned the importance for a graphic artist of being, ideally, represented by a gallery.

    But, while this is not yet possible, you may need to handle your own artwork's sales, and it's not guaranteed that you'll be able to close any sale for your art right away.

    One thing you can do, and that I will too, as soon as a get a new space for working on my pieces - I'm myself facing though times now, as I've been over plagiarized, some of works on visual art became famous and I intend to retake them. In my case, some events happened that prevented me from noticing it soon, thus taking long to act upon it. Originality is valued in art. - is holding a preorder system for finished artwork by displaying your studies and layouts.

    What if you don't any orders even so, though? What should you do while you can't sell your artwork? Keep on painting? Or stop with it? Neither of both seems like a good solution; you must keep on practicing and producing. On the other hand, you may end up with too many finished pieces filling your work space.

    Well, I have considered what I must do myself and it's painting over it again. Set up a rule for not having on your studio no more than three unsold art pieces of big dimensions at a time, then, photograph it properly with the right lightning and equipment, digitalize it, white paint over it and start another work piece. Practice the detachment: simple as that. This way you document your production and evolution, and stay out of risk, worthing more alive than dead.

    Any other ideas? Post it on the comments. 


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