What is the Legal Tender Project?

    Legal Tender Project is free initiative to give artists the opportunity of developing their talents without sacrificing their style and artistic vision to the changing demands of the market, thus really producing original artwork they like. It also aims at promoting more humanized treatment of artists. To Legal Tender, human life is more valuable than art.

    Almost ten years ago, I was looking for a way of making more money and increasing my own income when I had the idea of creating a Low Brow art gallery online called Legal Tender. The inspiration is obvious. I registered the url adresses, but a lot has happened since then, including a move to Germany and my new life as an immigrant.

    Legal Tender developed into three integrated segments:

  • Legal Tender Low Brow Art Gallery

    Online gallery featuring Low Brow artists, and eventually, itinerary international exhibitions in physical spaces.

  • Legal Tender Press

    Custom printing services for artists.

  • Legal Tender Project

    Art residence for young talents, with a focus on B-plans.

    Though, I’ve face a small set back (namely, something that shouldn’t happen at all), thus Legal Tender Project is on hold, among others.

    Meanwhile, I’ve made this blog account to keep posting some articles about Low Brow art, artists and art buying. Keep connected.


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